Ireb For Iphone 5' title='Ireb For Iphone 5' />Download iOS firmwares and jailbreak tools Pangu, Evasi0n, Absinthe, RedSn0w, Sn0wBreeze, GreenPois0n, PwnageTool etc. OS firmware restore. Phone. I have got loads of emails and queries via comments on the posts here and here where many of you have been asking on how to fix 1604, 1603, 1602, 1601, 1600. Wondering where you can get all the older iPhone firmware files from Heres the direct download links for all of the iPhone IPSW firmware files from. Fix 1. 60. 4, 1. 60. Error During i. Phone 3. IPSW Custom Restore. I have got loads of emails and queries via comments on the posts here and here where many of you have been asking on how to fix 1. Template Rumah Autocad. Tunes during firmware restore. This error is occurred when you are trying to restore your jailbroken custom i. Phone 3. 1. 3. ipsw file which you cooked using either Pwnage. Tool or sn. 0wbreeze. The error which i. Ireb For Iphone 5sTunes throws may look like this. The i. Phone your i. Ireb For Iphone 5' title='Ireb For Iphone 5' />Phone  could not be restored. An unknown error occurred. To get around this problem, there is a handy little tool called i. REB i. Tunes Restore Error Bypasser for Windows which can help you bypass the error when you are restoring. Tunes. The latest version of this program works with i. Phone 3. 1. 3 firmware running on the original i. Phone, i. Phone 3. G and i. Pod touch 1. G2. G. Follow the steps below to bypass this error so that you can restore i. Phone 3. 1. 3 firmware in i. Tunes. Step 1 Start i. Tunes and put your phone into DFU mode Press and hold the Home button and the Power button at the same time. After exactly 1. 0 seconds release the Power button. Continue holding the home button until you i. Tunes pops up a message telling you that it has detected an i. Phone in recovery mode. At this point your i. Phonei. Pod touch screen will remain black. Step 2 Now close i. Tunes and Start i. REB on Windows. Step 3 Simply select your device and wait for a few seconds until you get white or a red screen on your i. Phone or i. Pod touch. Step 4 Now open i. Tunes and select your phone from the sidebar in i. Tunes. Now press and hold left alt button Shift button on Windows on the keyboard and then click on Restore Not Update button in the i. Tunes and then release the Shift button. Select a custom. Thats it i. Tunes should now be able to restore your i. Phone or i. Pod touch to the latest i. Phone 3. 1. 3 firmware without any problems. Hopefully you wont get any errors this time around One thing to note here is that i. REB is not for jailbreaking. It is only used for restoring to custom. Tunes without any errors. You can follow our complete jailbreaking guide for i. Phone 3. 1. 3 firmware for i. Phone 2. G, 3. G, 3. Renault Truck Diagnostic Tool on this page. GS and i. Pod touch 1. G2. G using redsn. Pwnage. Tool 3. 1. Unlocking can be done using ultrasn. For i. Phone 3. 1. Pwnage. Tool, redsn. Phone and i. Pod touch. Download i. Tunes 9. Windows and Mac Download i. REB for Windows Fast Mirror LinkYou can follow me on twitter or join our facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest i. Phone jailbreaking and unlocking releases.