Just for the records, i could successfully install the driver and use the USBSerial adapter on Mac OS v10. Mountain Lion. The only difference from the tutorial. Welcome to The CHIP Operating System. We made a computer. A 9 computer. And every computer needs an operating system. Ours is The CHIP Operating System. To begin we can SSH into our raspberry pi by using a program like putty. After we have done this I recommend updating and upgrading your raspberry pi. How To Deploy a 4 Node RAC Cluster Using Oracle VM Templates. How To Deploy a 4 Node RAC Cluster Using Oracle VM Templates. What You See Is What You Get Element. Using Oracle VM Templatesby Olivier Canonge with contributions from Christophe Pauliat, Simon Coter, Saar Maoz, Doan Nguyen, Ludovic Sorriaux, Cecile Naud, and Robbie De Meyer. This hands on lab demonstrates how to use Oracle VM Templates to  virtualize and deploy complex Oracle Applications in minutes. How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Settings' title='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Settings' />Step by step instructions demonstrate how to download and import templates and deploy the applications, using an Oracle RAC template as an example. Published January 2. Table of Contents. Lab Objective. Preparation. What You Will Learn Summary of Lab Steps. In my previous post, I covered how to upload sketches using NodeMCU, which is firmware written in Lua. I ran into a few problems Uploading big files were prone to. This guide is for all you python programmers who have always wondered,what is the best way to get into IoTInternet of Things, now since youve. PuTTY is the worlds most popular free SSH and telnet client. Downloads, tutorials, howtos, vulnerabilities. Learning about serial communication concept and history. Simple to understand examples and experiment for UART, RS232, Ethernet, Wifi, USB, SPI, I2C. Linux System Administration and Configuration After installation, Linux requires configuration and systems administration. Corporate systems need monitoring, backups. How-to-use-Putty-to-connect-to-HANA-2.jpg' alt='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Setting' title='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Setting' />Global Architecture. Detailed Instructions for the Lab. Install Oracle VM Manager in Oracle VM Virtual. Program Management Areas. Box. Install Oracle VM Server in Oracle VM Virtual. Box. Start Both Servers Virtual MachinesConnect to the Oracle VM Manager Console. Discover the Oracle VM Server. Configure the Network. Create Virtual Network Interface Cards. Create a Server Pool. Create a Storage Repository. Import the Oracle VM Templates. Clone Four Virtual Machines from the Template. Create a Shared Disk for the Oracle ASM Configuration. Use Deploycluster to Start the Virtual Machines as Oracle RAC Nodes. Summary. Appendix A Oracle Flex ASM and Flex Cluster. See Also. About the Author. Acknowledgments   Lab Objective. This document is an adaptation of Hands On Lab 9. Oracle Open. World 2. Note During this lab at Oracle Open. World, a demo environment built on a single x. However, you can run this lab at your home or office on an x. This hands on lab is for application architects or system administrators who need to deploy and manage Oracle Applications. The objective of this lab is to demonstrate how Oracle VM Templates provide an easy and fast way of deploying Oracle Applications. These templates are designed to build test or production clusters that consist of any number of nodes, but by default, a two node cluster is created. The templates include full support for single instance, Oracle Restart Single Instance High Availability SIHA, and Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle RAC database deployments for both Oracle Database 1. Release 2 and Oracle Database 1. The templates also support the Flex Cluster feature of Oracle Database 1. Oracle Flex Automatic Storage Management ASM, as well as automation for containerpluggable databases in Oracle Database 1. During this lab, you are going to deploy a four node Flex Cluster three hubs and one leaf with a dedicated network for Oracle Flex ASM traffic. For more information about Oracle Flex ASM and Flex Cluster, see Appendix A. Preparation. To run this lab, you will need the following An x. GB of RAM and four CPU cores. Any x. 86 operating system supported by Oracle VM Virtual. Box, for example, Microsoft Windows, most Linux distributions, Oracle Solaris for x. Apple Mac OSX Oracle Linux 6 update 4 was used when the lab was run at Oracle Open. WorldHere is a list of actions you should perform before starting the lab Check that your OS is 6. Install the latest Oracle VM Virtual. Box version and the Oracle VM Virtual. Box Extension Pack on your x. Install the latest Java Runtime Environment JRE 7 the javaws binary is needed to get the VNC console. Download the version that is appropriate for the OS on your x. Download the latest Oracle VM Virtual. Box Template for Oracle VM Manager. Youll need to accept the license agreement first. Download the latest Oracle VM Virtual. Box Template for Oracle VM Server. Youll need to accept the license agreement first. Download the latest Oracle VM Templates for a single instance or Oracle RAC deployment of Oracle Database by using the following substeps. Note The following templates are used in the example in this lab Aug 2. Single Instance Oracle RAC 1. Release 1, including Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1. Oracle Linux 6 Update 4 Available from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud for 6. Bit Linux Media Pack B7. Oracle VM Templates for Oracle Database Media Pack for x. Go to the Oracle VM Templates for Oracle Database web page, click the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud link provided for downloading the templates, and then sign in to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Once logged in, select the two checkboxes to acknowledge the license and export restriction agreements, and click Continue. In the Media Pack Search page, ensure Oracle VM Templates is selected in the Select a Product Pack list and x. Platform list, and then click Go. On the next page, select Oracle VM Templates for Oracle Database Media Pack for x. B7. 40. 26 0. 1, and then click Continue. On the next page, download both files the first part 1 of 2 contains the OS files, and the second part 2 of 2 contains the Oracle Database installation files. Each is a. zip file that contains a. Oracle VM Manager, for example OVMOL6. U4X8. 66. 41. 21. DBRACPVM 1of. 2. OVMOL6. U4X8. 66. DBRACPVM 2of. Download the latest Deploycluster tool. Youll need to accept the license agreement first. What You Will Learn Summary of Lab Steps. In this lab, you will learn how Oracle VM works and how to execute the following steps Install Oracle VM Manager in Oracle VM Virtual. Box. Install Oracle VM Server in Oracle VM Virtual. Box. Start both servers that is, the Oracle VM Virtual. Box virtual machines. Connect to the Oracle VM Manager console. Discover the Oracle VM Server. Create and configure a virtual machine VM network. Create virtual network interface cards VNICs. Create a server pool. Create a storage repository. Import the Oracle VM templates for Oracle Database and Oracle RAC. Create four VMs from an Oracle RAC 1. Create an Oracle ASM disk and map it to each VM using the Oracle VM command line interface CLI. Use the Deploycluster tool to start and configure all four Oracle VM virtual machines as Oracle RAC nodes. Global Architecture. Figure 1 shows all the components used in this lab Oracle VM Virtual. Box and Oracle VM virtual machines with their names and configuration memory, IP addresses, networks, and so on. Figure 1. Lab architecture diagram. Detailed Instructions for the Lab. Install Oracle VM Manager in Oracle VM Virtual. Box. The Oracle VM Virtual. Box Template for Oracle VM Manager you downloaded contains the following software components Oracle Linux 5 update 9 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 2. Oracle VM Manager 3. Oracle Web. Logic Server 1. My. SQL 5. 5. Perform the following steps In the Oracle VM Virtual. Box console, import the VM from the Oracle VM Manager template Select File Import Appliance. Select the Oracle. VMManager. 3. 2. 4 b. Click Next. Change the name of the Virtual System 1 from Oracle VM Manager 3. HOL9. 98. 2ovmmgr. Click Import. Modify the settings of the virtual machine HOL9. Configure the network by going to Network and clicking the Adapter 1 tab. From the Attached to list, select Host only Adapter. Leave Amount of Memory as 4. MB you need at least 3. MB. Start the virtual machine HOL9. Configure the virtual machine in the VM console Set the root password to ovsroot. Configure the network IP address 1. Netmask 2. 55. 2. Gateway 1. 92. 1. DNS server 1. 92. DNS, but we have to give an IP address hereHostname ovm mgr. Wait for the boot to complete. Install Oracle VM Server in Oracle VM Virtual. Box. Perform the following steps In the Oracle VM Virtual. Box console, import the VM from the Oracle VM Server template you downloaded Select File Import Appliance.