Application Octet Stream
Web. Free Virtual Serial Ports is a Windows usermode application, which allows you to create software virtual serial ports and emulate physical serial ports behavior. Random Number Program Calculator. Title Microsoft Photo Editor ATTESTRECTO. Author obarbier Created Date 6292005 20207 PM. MRP. mrp applicationoctetstream. IPAIPHONE. JMS adapter Rabbit MQ contenttype applicationoctet stream. Hi,In my Idoc PI JMS Rabbit. MQ scenario I receive a message in Rabbit MQ with contenttype applicationoctet stream. The receiver party wants an applicationxml as contenttype. How can I set the receiver JMS adapter to achieve this. Message was edited by Meinhart Lingbeek I succedded to change the header of the JMS message by configure in the ASMA the specific additional with for example Contenttype with in the Module tab. J9ftr7_M3xM/T7Yd3ymDv7I/AAAAAAAAAPM/nmqcLDMl1A8/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2012-05-18%2Bat%2B6.56.45%2BPM.png' alt='Application Octet Stream' title='Application Octet Stream' />CRM 7. DOCX, XLSX, PPTX show as type applicationoctetstream instead of a MS file type in the Web UI.